Duratec Australia was engaged by the Northern Territory Government to undertake a condition assessment including a CorroMap Survey and visual inspection of the cooling tower at the Royal Darwin Hospital.


With varying levels of deterioration evident across the structure, a technical condition survey was deemed the most appropriate method in order to devise a remediation strategy to maintain the structure’s integrity.

Duratec undertook a CorroMap survey to determine the extent of corrosion within the embedded steel reinforcement and found a high rate of active corrosion in some elements.

Additionally, a visual inspection was carried out across the structure with all identified defects and their respective locations being recorded and photographed on a numbered schedule.

All findings were presented in a concise report including plain language explanation of the root causes of deterioration, location of all defects marked up on drawings and remediation options inclusive of realistic budget estimates.


  • The client received marked up drawings of the structure and its elements detailing the type, extent and location of all observed defects.
  • A combination of the CorroMap and visual inspection enabled informed decision making as to the most appropriate remediation strategy.
  • The client received a formal report which clearly explained the findings of the assessment with suggested remedial options and respective budget cost estimates.


  • Condition Assessment
  • Non Destructive Testing & Structural Health

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