Duratec was engaged to complete facade remediation works to the Australia Fair Shopping Centre, located in Southport, 
Queensland. The centre was built in the early 1980s and features precast concrete panels on levels 8 to 12.


Duratec had performed a facade inspection earlier in the year and had identified several defects on the facade panels, facade windows and office roof and balconies.

Duratec’s aim was to deliver a remedial solution to reduce the risk of water ingress into the building envelope, to improve the facade’s aesthetics and ensure public safety.

The works involved the rectification of the issues, including panel joint sealant repairs, window sealant repairs, concrete repairs and facade coatings works.


  • Duratec developed entire project scope and specification of materials.
  • Incident and injury free.
  • Has led to further works on site.


  • Facade Refurbishments

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