RAAF Base Williamtown is home to the tactical fighter element of the Air Combat Group and both the Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) and Air Traffic Control elements of Surveillance and Response Group.


Combined, these elements manage six flying squadrons from RAAF Williamtown. Combat Support Group via 26 Squadron manage and operate the Defence Fuel Installation providing aviation fuel to support flying operations.

The scope of works includes the remediation of all steel components within hangar 339. The project will be undertaken through in-house services including utilising Duratec’s abrasive blast and paint team.

The structural integrity of the heritage hangar was comprised therefore Duratec only replaced the necessary members to ensure the heritage aesthetic was maintained. This involved complex engineering and temporary propping to allow old sections to be remove and new installed. Upon completion all steelwork was blast and painted.


  • Project due for completion in 2020.
  • Complete use of in house abrasive blasting services.
  • Listed as a heritage building.


  • Abrasive Blasting & Painting
  • Structural Strengthening

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